We Care
 about your

The reasons and and benefits of immunization and the possible side effects of Vaccines (including-rare serious adverse effects) have been
explained to me by the Doctor. I am also aware that as per recommendations, due precautions are being taken (regarding sterile syringes,
needle & proper cold chain maintenance etc.)
I hereby give my consent to Dr. Ashish Nayyar to complete the immunization course on my child, as thought necessary by him, on
my own risk and responsibility.
* No vaccine is free from risks and complications.

* Efficacy of vaccine varies from 60-90%

* For best results give vaccination as per schedule
* If vaccination was discontinued or delayed, it should be continued from where it was stopped.

* Children with mild fever, cold, cough or diarrhoea can all get the vaccination.

* The suggested schedule may be modified by your Doctor as per the need.

* DPT:- A nodule appears 3 to 4 weeks. No it may soften or ulcerate in 2 to 4 weeks. No application
or formentation is necessary. It heals, leaving a scar.
* DPT:- There may be mild fever, pain, redness and swelling at the site of injections. A small painless
be lump may remain for few weeks.

* Children can be breast fed soon after giving polio drops.

Parents are advised to remain in the clinic for 20 to 30 min. with​
their children after vaccination.​


​Facilities Available
.Family ​Vaccination
. Asthma Clinic
​. Epilepsy Clinic
. Well Baby Clinic

OPD Timings 9:00 AM To 5:30 PM
value. ​quality care. convenience.